Senin, 23 Maret 2009


Treaty talk. Figure Ponari so fast especially with the blow up of a variety of media. News ponari popularity spread overlooks . Kid magically possible. But can not be denied, the ability of the Ponari of trust only a stone's thunder too.
Public so fooled by the current condition of the people who still believe with shamanism, especially for conditions of a majority of Muslims. News by the selibrity Ponari. Media seems to find a new form to increase their circulation.
Thousands of pairs of eyes with a kid is to Ponari, throngs queuing and waiting as if the distribution of rice. Nearly +5000 patients per day coming. It is a treatment that is overkill extraordinary. This fact is not engineering.

For year 2009 this Ponari clearly become a shaman cilik the most famous, and many patients. If there is more ... who he is. Rightly GUINNES OF RECORD record, as a healer cilik most patient and able to perform most of the day. So also do not forget the MURRI in Indonesia Ponari rightly charged for incoming MURRI with the witch theme cilik most patient and most do in a day treatment.

Apart darisegala controversy Ponari is not popular and was denied again. I'm not here defending Ponari but the fact that there Ponari able to attract thousands of pairs of eyes.

Although the actual figure is only Ponari village kid who is very simple and shy, and with the provision PETIR STONE. So just keep it back from God, just as he was only mediator.

For the government Indosesia this would soon become a scourge to think, people are still so sulitkan we get treatment. Remember the officers in place in the village sometimes they just run to work obligations. Not because of the professionalism that is executed. In the view and I have worked in the selaman.

GUINES OF RECORD AND MURRI just a fact that should be noted, but it should be direnungi by the whole community. How many people in distress who obtain treatment.


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